Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Time to become even more geeky
For the first month we need to write up a 1000pt list for your chosen army along with any hobby progress you make. I'll start tonight with my list and a photo of my test model which I'll get painted tonight. So come on people let's see what forces my ogres need to smash.
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Monday, 26 December 2011
Friday, 23 December 2011
Liluryath The Lady of the Storm
Liluryath is the favoured daughter of Tzeentch, capricious and deadly she marches south with winter at her back. Frost Giants, ice trolls, ogres and Norsemen all answer her call; she is the ruler of all things winter, the icy winds and storms are hers to command. From a young age she developed an uncanny affinity with the winds of magic and used them as protection from the barbaric surroundings of her upbringing, many a time did a drunken Northmen's advances lead to him being left nothing more than an ice sculpture or a pile of shredded flesh and bone ripped asunder by a torrent of ice crystals. Liluryath's rise to power amused the Lord of Change who relished in the chaos she brought upon the North, Village after village fell and proud Cheiftains bent the knee to a Woman. The Lord of Change fed her power twisting her mind to a blind cold rage that will soon be unleashed upon the world, for she is icy death to all who do not bow to her will. The world will be hers and usher in an age of ice which few will survive.
Sorcerer Lord
level 4
mark of tzenntch
disk of tzeentch
word of agony
stream of corruption
infernal puppet
talisman of preservation
enchanted sheild 455
I'm thinkin of using the body of the chaos sorcerer lord. the head with long hair from the dark elf sorceress riding black dragon and a high back collar from a vampire counts necromancer.
What do people think? do i need to find a more feminine body? i'm really not sure until i get them and inspect them up close.
To represent the disk of tzeentch i'm going to have her suspended in the air above the base and make it look as though she is summoning ice to walk upon, for this i will use clear acetate and snow effects.
If this effect works i will use it to make the enchanted sheild aswell.
One more thing, if anyone has any suggestions for a more feminine body to use that would be great, one that is walking forward would be awesome.
Monday, 19 December 2011
God fucking damnit
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Bonus points
I haven't checked the rules, (because I'm lazy and don't want to spoil a good rant) but what level of fiction counts as a backstory? Could a short paragraph about sharing a Nobel goal to find and capture ancient relics be enough? Or does it need to be a tome describing the intricate details and vibrant heritage of two cultures who just so happen to both love marmite?
Then there's the objective markers. I had three based and everything, but apparently early learning centre animals do not count. Now believe me when I say, that pissed me off! Not because it didn't count, but because the judge seemed to quite like them and even had a little giggle at the hugely out of scale rabbit, complete with cold calculating stare. He just simply didn't mention it. Moved on. Gave no cause to think we didn't get the point. It wasn't till the scores were handed out at the end, that we realised we hadn't got it. Cock.
Im not saying i don't like all the new bonuses you can get. The one for having a fully painted army makes good sense and I endorse It fully. However I just feel frustrated when I know that I'd have been sitting higher up on that results table, if theses little extra points didn't exist and it was entirely down to gaming ability.
Next doubles will be different. My army will be painted like beefeaters, objective markers that are not from the early learning centre and will be in the design of large kitchen utensils. Then finally I will have a back story of two armies on the hunt for the universes finest pastry chef. Nothing will stop us!
-posted from his bloody phone!
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Why me?
So starting my first fantasy army excited and full of anticipation, I set about writing my army list. I dragged yetilover round mine and insisted that he couldn't leave until he'd help me fulfil my dream of being a master of rat wrangling awesome!
2am and we put the final touches on my list, cheers bro. Still excited even the early hours of the morning I started fantasising about a doubles list. The idea of two fully grown men swearing, drinking and crying as they loose at table top games to children. Nothing better. "hang the fuck on!" says yetilover gently breaking my little perfect world dream, "You know skaven can only ever be untrustworthy allies? With any army"
-posted from his bloody phone!
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Total 1750
Section Unit Wargear Points
Company Command Squad 50
Castellan Creed 90
Seargent Kell 85
Platoon Command Squad 30
Autocannon 10
Infantry Squad 50
Autocannons 10
Infantry Squad 50
Autocannons 10
Heavy Weapons Team 60
3 Autocannons 15
Heavy Weapons Team 60
3 Autocannons 15
Veteran Squad 70
Bastonne 60
Grenadiers 30
Meltaguns (2) 20
Guardsman Marbo 65
Storm Trooper Squad 85
5 Extra Troopers 80
Fast Attack
Vendetta Gunship 130
Vendetta Gunship 130
Hellhound Squadron
2 Tanks 260
Extra Armour (2) 30
Heavy Support
Leman Russ Exterminator 150
Heavy Bolters 20
Camo Netting 20
Pask 50
Extra Armour 15
Basically I've just bolted on some extra tanks and a vendetta to the already pretty well known autocannons of doom list, with a vet squad and bastonne for some roving harrying squad in their very own vendetta. Might keep the storm troopers nearby for some extra fire power, considering they're also in their very own vendetta. Creed's in their to give me an outflank on something, maybe the hellhounds maybe the leman russ. Who knows.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Take to the sky's
just a quick list idea for the doubles in feb, I like the look of a fast airborne force.
Libby, sang priest, (5) assault marines, (5) assault terminators and (2) stormraven
If Jon takes 3 vendetta's with vets we can have 11 twin-linked lascannon plus my 8 bloodstrike
missiles. What you think?
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Thursday, 3 November 2011
1750 list for that tournament thingy
Ghazghkull 225pts
Biker Boss, power klaw, attack squig, cybork 150pts
5 Nob bikers, painboy, waagh banner, power klaw, 3 big choppas, cybork, 340pts
20 boys, nob, power klaw, boss pole 160pts
19 boys nob, power klaw, boss pole 154pts
15 lootas 225
Fast attack
2 deffkoptas, 2 rokkits, buzzsaw 115pts
heavy support
battlewagon, deffrolla 110pts
battlewagon, deffrolla 110pts
battlewagon, killkannon, kannon 160pts
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Blog wars 2
(5) sanguinary guard
Banner, infernus pistol
(5) sanguinary guard
2 plasma pistols
(10) assault marines
Power weapon, 2 melta
(10) assault marines
Power fist, flamer, melta
(6) scouts
5 sniper rifles, missile launcher, locator beacon
(2) sanguinary priests
Jump packs, Power weapons
Heavy support
(6) devastators
4 missile launchers
(6) devastators
4 missile launchers
And that's it for 1750 points.
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Tuesday, 18 October 2011
This is the life story of Paig
Although our names aren't used on the GW site (would it have killed them) this was our game
Game 2: Secure the Relic Vs Blood Angels/Salamanders on Table 23
In this battle we opted for a risky deployment with both forces exposed, ready to run and grab the objectives. And then our opponents seized the initiative! This put us on the back foot early on and we took quite a few casualties to enemy shooting. No Salamander army is complete without Vulkan Hestan, and we made sure to take him out with whatever we could, in this case, a demo charge to the face. As the game progressed, massed firepower from the Guardsmen and the Stormraven reduced the enemy numbers. The charge of the Terminators pulverised a large number of scoring Marines. However, it was the mobile Guardsmen that won us the game, securing the objectives and scoring us more valuable points.
For you Jon this is when they wrecked tricksy tricksy eldar face
Game 4: Scenario - Liberatus Vs Eldar/Eldar on Table 4
The Eldar army we were facing was a fully mechanised force with four Waveserpents and two Falcon Grav-tanks. Eldrad Ulthran was also on the table with a ten-man Seer Council and Prince Yriel was in the army, too. We opted to hold our whole force (except the Baal Predator) in reserve, firstly to see what our opponents would do, and secondly so as to not get shot to pieces by them in turn 1. We weren't surprised when their whole army blasted across the table and took all the objectives, though surprisingly the Baal Predator survived the turn. In turn 2, nearly all of our units (except the heroic Stormraven) arrived on scene and started to wreak carnage upon the Eldar. The Terminators, who arrived on foot, pounded Eldarad, his Seer Council and their Waveserpent into soup, while the Guard took on the Eldar vehicles. Yet again, it was the brave soldiers of the Imperial Guard that took all the objectives while the Blood Angels (what remained of them...) squeezed the life out of the remaining enemy units.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Lol, whut?
I downloaded the warriors of chaos book for a peek at another army. I think I've gotten this right but correct me if not - chaos knights have a (-1)+ armour save. And you thought 2+ was good? With a save like that you should probably gain a wound each time someone inflicts one....
Thursday, 29 September 2011
No money to go out with
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
New layout and ting
Please publish your thoughts in the comments section.
I will fuck this off if nobody likes it.
I've added a couple more links, tell me if there is something they want adding.
You will now find that i have made the site mobile friendly.
Much love you bunch of puffs.
Monday, 5 September 2011
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Warboss bike power klaw attack squig cybork
5 nob bikers painboy waagh banner power klaw 3 big choppas boss pole cybork
19 boys (slugga or shoota undetermined) nob power klaw boss pole big shoota
fast attack
2 deffkoptas, 2 rokkits, buzzsaw
Heavy support
battlewagon deffrolla
comes to 874pts
5 kill points
Warboss bike power klaw attack squig cybork
5 nob bikers painboy waagh banner power klaw 3 big choppas boss pole cybork
19 boys (slugga or shoota undetermined) nob power klaw boss pole
fast attack
3 warbuggies rokkits tracks
Heavy support
comes to 874pts
5 kill points
Ok thats one of the problems... koptas or buggies, i cant make up my mind... if i take the buggies i can give the battlewagon a 4+coversave and pop transports on the way forward...if i take the koptas i can tie up devastators in the first turn or pop transports first turn awesome disruption.
My other difficult decision is slugga or shootas... 19 shootas in a battlewagon is some awesome drive by potential but is it worth dropping the extra close combat attacks?
The last confusion is whether to try and swap the battlewagon for 2 trukks full of boys... an extra troop slot yes and slightly more boys BUT no where near as survivable as the battlewagon.... what to do
Ork biker list
Ok ben this is what I'm thinking you would have fun playing with, plus it's still a choppy list
Wazdakka gutsmek 180
7 war-bikers 195
Nob, power Klee, bosspole
7 war-bikers 215
Nob, big choppa, bosspole
5 nob bikers 285
4 big choppa, pain boy, 2 kombi-skorcha
That's 875pts with only 4 kill points. The trick with this list is to be in the over guys lines turn 1-2 and let Jon sort out the armour with his big guns, being strength 6-7 with a big choppa your guys can still put the hurt on any tank other than a landraider. What you think?
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Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Hello... Hello... Hello...
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Kit bash
Friday, 10 June 2011
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
It came to me in a dream
Friday, 27 May 2011
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
look to the skys
HQ 100pts
Rune priest:
living lightning and murderous hurricane
troops 400pts
10 man grey hunter pack:
2 meltaguns, drop pod
10 man grey hunter pack:
meltagun, flamer, drop pod with death wind missile launcher
heavy support 115pts
5 man long fang pack:
4 missile launchers,
elites 135pts
5 man wolf guard pack:
drop pod, 2 combi-plasma
do you like?
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
More Lists...
Here is the previous list I took in Feb (Jan? Can't remember...) alongside Paul's space vampires who were pretty much a mounted up assault machine. Please note the careful use of autocannons;
Company Command Squad - 50pts
Autocannon Team - 10pts
Platoon Command Squad - 30pts
Autocannon - 10pts
Infantry Squad - 50pts
Autocannon - 10pts
Infantry Squad - 50pts
Autocannon - 10pts
Heavy Weapons Team - 60pts
(3) Autocannons - 15pts
Heavy Weapons Team - 60pts
(3) Autocannons - 15pts
Fast Attack
Vendetta - 130pts
Side-firing Heavy Bolters - 10pts
Heavy Support
Leman Russ Exterminator - 150pts
Heavy Bolter Sponsons - 20pts
Camo Netting - 20pts
Knight Commander Pask - 50pts
This beastly list can churn out 20 S7 AP4 shots per turn, plus the extra 4 coming from the tank which are twin linked and are fired at BS4. Also, if the tank stayed still, the shots count as S8 against armour, reroll wounds against monterous creatures and the tank itself gets +1 to it's cover save, so in actual cover it has a 3+ cover save.
Also you can get 15 heavy bolter shots and 3 twin linked lascannons per turn.
What think you, Sir Ben? I've been mucking about with another ridiculous list that had something list 36 autocannon shots per turn just from heavy weapons teams but that's gonna mean buying more stuff.
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Bring on the lasers
Librarian: 100
shield and rage.
Sanguinary priest: 65
power sword
Assault squad: 160
Lascannon razorback, flamer
Assault squad: 155
Lascannon razorback
Heavy support
Predator: 135
autocannon, lascannon sponsons
Predator: 135
autocannon, lascannon sponsons
And that my fellow geeks is 750pts and 8 kill points
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Wednesday, 4 May 2011
i think we should turbo our tournament
WHICH LIST will be the one that i am choosing hmmmmm
big mek 35
kustom force field 50
burna 20
12 slugga boys 72
nob 10
power klaw 25
boss pole 5
Trukk 35
grot riggers 5
boarding plank 5
12 slugga boys 72
nob 10
power klaw 25
boss pole 5
Trukk 35
grot riggers 5
boarding plank 5
10 burna boys 150pts
Fast Attack
deffkopta 35
buzzsaw 25
Heavy Support
Battlewagon 90
deff rolla 20
2 big shootas 10
Warboss 60
bike 40
attack squig 15
power klaw 25
cybork 5
5 nob bikers 225
waagh banner 15
painboy 30
cybork 25
5 big choppas 25
12 slugga boys 72
nob 10
power klaw 25
boss pole 5
big shoota 5
Trukk 35
grot riggers 5
boarding plank 5
Fast Attack
deffkopta 35
buzzsaw 25
deffkopta 35
buzzsaw 25
Sunday, 1 May 2011
It's second hand. The salamanders had an bit of a disagreement with their insurance company and now they can't afford the premiums on new vehicles.
This is what happens when you don't read the small print boys.
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Colonel Geriatric
Dont know i how ive managed it but he looks as though someones just run up and taken a dump in front of him...
Friday, 8 April 2011
Loom at this
Some new info about the upcomming tau, again this is just rumors so take as you will.
HQ choices are used to unlock units for troops, so a commander in a crisis suit unlocks crisis suits as troops, an etheral unlocks fire warriors, shaper unlocks kroot, demiurg commander for demiurg as troops.
crisis suits-
mostly same stats but now 3 wounds
come with every gun option and you can choose what weapon systems you fire every round. cost (land speeder + extra HB) per model, squad size max 5
can take network markerlights instead of the missiles on their arms
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Thursday, 31 March 2011
This is for you bro
I'm posting this in news and rumors only as it's relevant to upcoming releases. I received word yesterday my "blackout" clause of my NDA for 3 upcoming codex armies would go in to effect April 1. (ha, that's what I thought too.)
Those three armies are Tau, Necron, and SoB.
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1750pts tournament
2 priest: power weapon
5 devastator squad: 4 missile launchers
5 devastator squad: 4 missile launchers
10 tatical squad: missile launcher
10 tatical squad: multi melta, flamer, combi flamer,
10 assault squad: 2melta gun, power fist, rhino
9 assault squad: flamer, power weapon, rhino
8 assault squad: power weapon, melta, landraider
So what you guys think, 60 marines 3 rhinos 1 landraider and the odd missile and melta
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Sunday, 27 March 2011
Saturday, 19 March 2011
on another note...
Its stupid!
Paul's attempt to brake the blog.
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Glory of ostermark
Ostermark it is then. I'm making a project log for you people to follow with painting and some battle reports, the first coming this fri if I can get a game in.
Now to the meat and potatoes of this post. My idea for this army is big blocks of troops with 1 or 2 cannons and the rest of my
Firepower In the form of bow and crossbow
Test models I've painted up in the ostermark colours yellow, purple and grey. I'm happy with the look but I still want to add some more detail and I'm trying to avoid the cartoon look
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Friday, 25 February 2011
Monday, 21 February 2011
Talk louder...
Start talking.
Otherwise random posting may be considered.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011