This is for anyone who's interested in joining the campaign I'm going to run at the vine inn gamers club.
It is an open map campaign meaning everyone can see the entire map and where all banners are located. The map is made from Mighty Empires. Battles are based on equal points for both armies; however you will see later that there are ways of increasing your own point size. Since it is an escalation campaign, that means we will increase the size of our armies during the campaign. This allows everyone to start with smaller forces, and builds to large armies. This is a great way for beginners to build and paint an army or for an experienced player to start on a new army. The focus of the campaign is to learn the rules and have fun and build up the player base. So if you can’t play your army without proxies or unpainted figures that is OK. The point value for each turn is: 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, 2250 and 2500.
Army selection: For the first two months (500 & 750) your army may only be made up of hero, troop and special choices. Once we start to to play bigger games (1000 points) then we'll start using lord and rare choices.
Sequence of play: Each month we start by sorting out Revenue, Diplomacy, Conquest and Build starting with the smallest empire first
Largest empire is determined by counting the number of tiles each player controls an calculated at the start of each turn. Tiles that contain a city count as two tiles. The player with the most tiles is the largest empire. If two players are tied, the player with the most cities is largest. If still tied, then the number of castles, and finally a die roll to break tiles.
As the campaign progresses I'll be adding more phases.
Revenue phase: At the start of every month we begin by sorting out each players revenue for this turn, this is going to be the total empire points the person has gained from the perverse turns battles or any bonus points they may have acquired. For the first turn we'll only select our starting territories.
Diplomacy phase: During this phase alliances can be made and wars declared, Each month will start with the number of games that needs to be played in this turn along with any other objectives that may come along.
It is now that each player takes it in turns to select a tile to attack another tile that is adjacent to one of their own. if the tile has no banner then you are free to choose your opponent, if it has a banner then you must fight the owning player.
It is possible to attack a none adjacent tile through means of diplomacy with another player but this can only be done once per turn with another empire that boarders your own and never with the same player from the previous turn. If a alliance if formed between the two players then they are free to attack any tile adjacent to your allies tiles but you cannot attack your ally this turn. Be warned lone tiles are easier to claim.
Conquest and build Phase: when you play a game of warhammer you earn empire points as shown on the chart below. Empire points are used to take territory, build cities, castles and mines, or to remove territory from a rival player. Players take it in turn to spend their empire points, starting with the player with the smallest empire and working up.
Earning empire points: the number of empire points a player has to spend depends on how well he did in the battle phase. Players who lose earn 1 point, draw earns 1 points, and winners earn 2 or more points depending upon the level of victory. Determine the level of victory using the victory rules in the rulebook using the size of the armies before any bonuses were added. If the scenario does not specify victory conditions, then a win is 200 points.
- lose – 1 empire point
- draw (– 1 empire points for each players
- narrow victory (defeat your opponent by more than 200 points) – 2 empire points
- solid victory (defeat your opponent by more than 500 points) – 3 empire points
Spending empire points: empire points can be spent as follows. Unused points are lost:
- Claim tile (2 empire points). Place a banner on a tile without a banner that is adjacent to one of your own tiles or if it's a lone tile with a banner
- Conquer tile (3 empire points). Remove another player’s banner from a tile that is adjacent to one of your own tiles and replace it with your own. You must have fought and won a battle against the player in the preceding battle phase
- Build (1 empire point). Add a castle, city or mine to a tile you already control
- Mountains. It costs 1 extra empire point to claim or conquer a mountain tile
- Castles or Cities. It costs 1 extra empire point to conquer a tile that contains a castle or a city
Builds: You can spend empire points to add a castle, city or mine to a tile that you control. Alternatively, you may instead replace a marker on a tile you control with another one.
- Castle: makes it more difficult for players to conquer the tile. Cannot be built on a marsh
- City: to build a city, there must already be a castle on the tile. You may upgrade a castle in the same turn that you built it, and the city replaces the castle. The tile counts as having a castle and in addition counts as two tiles when working out who has the largest empire. Cities cannot be built on a mountain or a marsh tile
- Mine: has a chance to generate extra empire points. roll a d6 on a 1-3 nothing is found, 4-5 you gain 1 empire point, 6 you gain 2 empire points but at the same time you exhaust the mine and it can no longer be used. Mines can only be built on a mountain or river tile.
I think I have everything covered, if not let me know and I'll alter it.
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